November 23, 2013

Captivated Thoughts

At some point, everything becomes story

All the days and all the nights pass
…. Every day and every night pass
At some point, we all assimilate within the earth
Every castle transmute into dust

At some point, all the music is lost

Lost within every smile blown out of our lips

November 13, 2013

At the crave of the evening shaded light

Let the evening fall on the bustling city

And then, it doesn't matter how busy
This city might get
I’ll still be here alone, wondering,
About the world that might there be
……………………... Beyond the skies 

Come ... when you feel like …………...

Then we may have coffee together
At the crave of the evening shaded light

March 21, 2013

The inevitable happenings

What happens when the world changes ?

Nothing significant, just everything
…………………………. Becomes History

What happens when people change ?

Nothing much,

Just that is how, everything becomes Memory

March 14, 2013

I still fly in my dreams

I still fly in my dreams

And I cross over the oceans

And I reach the sun

…… just when it is drowning 

March 09, 2013

And those brief Moments

And those brief moments no longer remain brief in your memory

Because in those brief moments you pass a thousand lifetimes

And then those brief moments become forever ………..……

March 08, 2013


When there is something ... Making me sad it makes me
……………….. Completely sad,
That there is nothing, as partially sad,
So when I’m sad, I’m just sad and nothing else. When I’m
Happy ….. I’m happy … and sometimes I’m just musical

My mood swings like the cloudy skies ………..

Still, I try and live a normal life, a simple life
Unlike the ones of my Locality, somehow, just failing to be
That social and chatty. It’s all about the cigarettes that I lit,
I wonder why they burn out so fast and

I so slowly puff, I smoke the G  
I smell like the Rainy days, I sound like the Sea 

I remain in the twilight and follow the clouds’ Flight,
Flying to the unknown .. Roaming like the flocks of the cows
In the green fields …………

I live in silence, the merrily Crowd no more appeals me.
Nothing seem to glamour me at all
I go out for walk in the mid nights
Where my shadows follow me from different directions,
Under the Sodium lights of the old towns’ old streets

Nothing stayed as grave as it used to be, everything turned 
When I get back home, I go straight to sleep
When I close my eyes it’s just bunch of crazy dreams come
……………………………………. to say me hallo

When I woke up this morning, looked outside
To the lights of the open, the Crow outside the window
Said me, ‘Good Morning ….

It Put me into confusion and I tried my best to have my
Mind off that and tried to think of something else ……

So I thought, that is a horse fish, or may be a sea lion

Well, why would the rattle snake ‘Hissssss ……..
………………………………………………. To the scion ! 

March 07, 2013

The day world loses its gravity

If any day it happens that the world loses its gravity

Then all the drops of water of the oceans
Would fly upwards
… And then not on earth but it will be raining over the sky

That day I might as well be able to fly

……………….. To you